30 Years Of Proven Experience
In Family And Criminal Law

Douglas N. Fox

Protecting Your Rights

Are you facing litigation in your divorce? There is nothing more important than ensuring you are protected both in and out of court by a high-quality, aggressive lawyer. The attorney at Fox Firm, P.C., has garnered a reputation as one of Gwinnett County’s top litigators at trial.

Doug Fox gives each case his full focus, and with him, you can be confident that your objectives are of utmost concern. Developing a strategy to present a case is an important factor in any contested divorce. A great number of decisions about your life will take place based on the skill with which your attorney presents your side of the story.

Mr. Fox is recognized as being highly professional in divorce litigation. It is of utmost importance that your attorney knows how to craft a case that has a better chance of success, whether the issues include child custody, asset division or other matters that cannot be resolved through mediation or negotiation with the opposing attorney.

Matters Of Concern In Contested Divorce

No judge or jury can be expected to fully understand the dynamics of a marriage. The way that decisions are made when the two parties do not agree is based upon certain formulas. Child support, for example, will be determined based on the income of each party, as well as the time that is spent living with each parent. It is difficult to imagine that a unique family situation can be resolved through the use of a formula, as there truly is no “one size fits all.” The court does its best to be fair in all matters, and how your specific divorce will be resolved will be greatly dependent upon the skill with which your case is presented. There is no other way to persuade a judge other than providing compelling evidence to support your case, presented in a persuasive and professional manner. Attorney Fox is extremely qualified and experienced in divorce litigation, whether the issues involve child custody, the family home, asset division or another critical point.

Divorce Trials: What To Expect

At a divorce trial, both you and your marriage partner have the right to call up witnesses. These witnesses can include friends, family, forensic accountants, child specialists and others. When the judge renders an opinion, this will be written into a binding court order that must be adhered to by both parties. Divorce trials can become extremely complicated when the two parties disagree about the children. The court is concerned with the best interests of the children, and neither parent is considered to be automatically entitled to having primary physical custody. It is believed in most cases that both parents having extensive and shared access is the best solution for the children. There are cases in which this is not true, such as when there has been violent behavior, drug or alcohol addiction, abuse or other situation that makes one parent a danger to the child or children.

The court will require that any accusation of abuse be supported by testimony or other evidence. A mere accusation is not likely to sway the court, as there are many cases in which accusations of abuse are exaggerated or false. There are also cases in which the accusation of abuse is completely true. Ensuring that your children are protected is of utmost concern, and this should be discussed with the attorney at Fox Firm, P.C., as a primary goal in the divorce trial. Also, a parenting plan must be approved by the court. This determines schedules for visitation, including holidays; the children’s transportation; where the parents will exchange the children; and details regarding supervision in cases where the court deems it necessary for the safety of the children.

Contact the firm online or call 770-341-4882 to discuss your divorce concerns with a lawyer. Attorney Fox is known for his professional skills at trial. Serving all of Gwinnett County.