30 Years Of Proven Experience
In Family And Criminal Law

Douglas N. Fox

Gwinnett County School Suspension Defense Attorney

Why You Need Legal Representation For School Disciplinary Hearings

Few areas of the legal process can have such wide-ranging consequences on a young person’s life as student suspensions, expulsion, or mandatory school transfer. Yet, surprisingly, only a handful of parents take advantage of their right to hire an attorney to investigate the usually exaggerated claims of school disciplinarians and then manage and present the case to the school panel at the disciplinary hearing.

Whether the student goes to a Gwinnett County school or another school in Lawrenceville or any of the surrounding areas, the representation of attorney Doug Fox from Fox Firm, P.C., not only helps tilt the balance back toward the student’s fair treatment, but also helps the school panel separate truth from fiction.

The role of a lawyer at a school panel is even more significant if the student’s alleged conduct has resulted in criminal allegations. Often, Mr. Fox’s handling of the school disciplinary process will pave the way for a positive outcome in any accompanying criminal prosecution.

Experience You Can Trust

For over 20 years, Mr. Fox has been helping clients in Gwinnett County and throughout the state of Georgia aggressively fight allegations of wrongdoing at school. His firm handles cases related to truancy, drug crimes, underage drinking, violent crimes, theft, cheating, bullying, gang offenses and more.

Fox Firm, P.C., is committed to providing each client with exceptionally strong, honest, and reliable legal representation, both in and out of the court room. Whether dealing with suspension or expulsion, you can rely on personalized attention and hard-hitting legal counsel every step of the way as Doug Fox protects your son or daughter’s rights and future.

Contact a Gwinnett County school suspension defense attorney today – call Call.