30 Years Of Proven Experience
In Family And Criminal Law

Douglas N. Fox

Defending Traffic Violations In Lawrenceville, Georgia

Traffic offenses can be minor, such as a small ticket for speeding, but they can also be criminal offenses with heavy penalties, such as DUI (driving under the influence) or hit and run. Some may think that traffic lawyers in Lawrenceville are unnecessary simply to contest Georgia traffic citations. However, even minor offenses can result in the suspension or loss of your driver’s license, an inconvenience that could have dramatic effects on your livelihood. How will you get to work? How will you drive your children to school? What if you need to go to the doctor or to the grocery store? Additionally, the cost for your car insurance may skyrocket, causing financial problems for you and your family. Luckily, traffic lawyers can help protect your rights and avoid fines and penalties.

If you are facing a traffic violation, contact Fox Firm, P.C., today to speak with an experienced traffic lawyer in Lawrenceville, Georgia!

Traffic Violation? Consult A Georgia Traffic Ticket Attorney Immediately!

As a Gwinnett County traffic attorney at Fox Firm, P.C., Doug Fox is experienced criminal law and familiar with defending traffic offenses. His firm handles cases throughout Gwinnett County and is committed to helping clients avoid the fines and other penalties associated with traffic citations.

Fox Firm, P.C., handles all types of traffic-related offenses, including:

  • Speeding
  • Racing
  • Reckless driving
  • DUI (driving under the influence)
  • Running a red light or stop sign
  • Following too closely
  • Driving without insurance
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Hit and run (leaving the scene of an accident)
  • Vehicular manslaughter

Using his quarter century of experience to help clients achieve favorable outcomes for their traffic violation cases is what Doug Fox does. He is committed to helping clients and always strives to provide the best criminal defense representation possible.

Is A Traffic Ticket A Misdemeanor In Georgia?

Yes, a speeding ticket is a misdemeanor in Georgia. It also means that the person charged may be fined up to $1,000 or receive up to 12 months in jail. Keep in mind, going to jail is rare but does happen on occasion. Georgia only has a handful of traffic violations that are not misdemeanors, which include:

  • Driving with an expired tag
  • Having an open container
  • HOV lane violations
  • Defective equipment

How Does The Point System Work In Georgia?

Every time a driver is convicted of violating traffic laws, he or she is assigned points. These points are recorded in that person’s driving record. If a driver accumulates a total of 15 or more points during any 2-year period, their license will be suspended or revoked.

Have you received a traffic citation? Contact the Gwinnett County traffic lawyer at Fox Firm, P.C., today.