30 Years Of Proven Experience
In Family And Criminal Law

Douglas N. Fox

Preparing for Legal Separation

| Jun 17, 2010 | Family Law, Legal Separation

Legal separation is a complicated process that can be emotionally draining. However, when spouses are fully prepared for their separations, they usually find that the process is less traumatic and easier to contend with. In this blog
entry, our family law firm provides a few tips for those who are preparing to legally separate from their spouses:

§ Get help from a family attorney. Legal separation is, in fact, a legal procedure. For this reason, spouses will find it is to their advantage
to retain the services of a qualified family lawyer.

§ Speak with a counselor. Spouses that are dealing with complicated emotions, such as resentment or anger, will find that it is most helpful
to speak with a counselor or a therapist.

§ Understand your finances. It is important to be aware of your financial information and to make copies of things such as credit card and bank

§ Be open with your children. Kids are very intuitive and know when something is not right. For this reason, you may want to consider being
open with your kids about what is happening and what they can expect.

If you would like additional information about legal separation in Georgia and the steps you should take,
contact the Law Office of Douglas N. Fox to speak with a
Gwinnett County family law attorney.