30 Years Of Proven Experience
In Family And Criminal Law

Douglas N. Fox

Couple from Extreme Makeover Files for Divorce

| Jun 3, 2010 | Divorce, Family Law

Recently, news sources confirmed that a couple that appeared on popular television show “Extreme Makeover Home Edition” has filed for
divorce. The couple, Greg and Ginger Akers, appeared on the show in 2008.

According to reports, the spouses filed for divorce on March 5th. In their divorce petition, they cited “incompatibility” as grounds for their divorce. Not too long ago, Ginger Akers had sought a protection order for domestic abuse against her husband.

The couple is expected to appear in court on June 17th. To date, no details have been released on who will get the house or custody of the children. The home was specifically built with the needs of the couple’s special needs children in mind.

Going through a divorce in Gwinnett County? If so,
contact the Law Offices of Douglas N. Fox today to set up a consultation with a
Gwinnett County family law attorney.